AMTrad Services - External translation links

Translation & localization services
for the Italian language

Other Links

From these links, you can easily locate many more interesting resources for translators and translation companies. Please report any broken or outdated links - although I cannot promise I will fix them immediately...

Last updated: December 2015.

Translators' Directories
Newsgroups, Mailing Lists, Forums
Software Tools
Software Localization
Other Useful Links


AITI - Website of the Associazione Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti (Italian association of translators and interpreters).
ANITI - Website of the Associazione Nazionale Italiana Traduttori e Interpreti (Italian national association of translators and interpreters).
American Translators Association - Online directory of members and links to resources.
FIT - Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs - International Federation of Translators.
Chartered Institute of Linguists - "CIOL is the pre-eminent UK-based professional membership body for language practitioners."
ITI UK - "The Institute of Translation & Interpreting (ITI) is the UK’s only dedicated association for practising translation and interpreting professionals."
Translators for Peace - "Our voluntary commitment intends to [...] maximise communication and dialogue between people and ethnicities, offering our professional competencies and our human commitment."
List of translators and interpreters associations on Wikipedia - A list of associations far more complete and hopefully better updated than mine.


Translators' Directories

Aquarius - Collects the résumés of over forty thousand translators. Job offers and resources for translators.
ProZ - Large directory of translators. Free and paid registration. Online terminology help.
TranslatorsCafé - Directory of translators, interpreters and translation agencies. Free registration.
Translation Directory - Portal for Language Professionals and their Clients.
ATA Online Directories - Directories of the American Translators Association.
Langit City - Directory of translators members of the Langit mailing list.


Mailing Lists, Forums

Payment Practices - A database of translation companies with related list to ask for and receive references
WorldPaymentPracticesFree - Another mailing list where you ask for and receive references about translation companies
Translation and interpretation jobs
Langit - Italian translators' mailing list


Software Tools

Atril Déja Vu - CAT/TM tool.
SDL Trados Studio & Passolo - CAT/TM tools.
Star Transit - CAT/TM tool.
MemoQ - CAT/TM tool.
MultiTrans - CAT/TM tool.
Wordfast (Professional, Classic, Anywhere) - CAT/TM tools.
Fluency Now - CAT/TM tool.
CafeTran Espresso - CAT/TM tool.
Across - CAT/TM tool.
MetaTexis - CAT/TM tool.
OmegaT - Open-source CAT/TM tool.
Translation3000 - Several software tools for the translation industry.
WebBudget XT - Web localization & analysis tool.
Babylon - Online translators.
Alchemy Catalyst - Software localization tool.
Lingobit Localizer - Software localization tool.
InfoRapid Search & Replace - Freeware Search & Replace utility. Also searches PDF files.
Funduc Search & Replace - Shareware Search & Replace utility.
SmartBud - Downloads Web sites and performs a word count.
ExtPhr32 - Freeware terminology extraction tool.
Word count, character count tool - Word, character and line count made easy with Total Assistant.


Other Useful Links

Translatortips - Helping translators do better business
The Tool Kit - A monthly journal for people in the translation industry who want to get more out of their computers
Tariffometro – by Simon Turner. An unofficial survey on rates in the Italian and international markets
Translation Journal - Articles for translators and linguists
The Directorate-General for Translation of the European Commission (DGT)
Interinstitutional Style Guide (European Union)
Virtual Translator
Freelance translator calculator - A tool for setting a target gross income and determining rates, working hours and output
